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  • Believe It! NPR Shows How K-12 Policy Can Lead to Sugary-Sweet Goodness0

    • December 7, 2012

    Stop nagging me! Yes, it’s true I haven’t added much to the blog this week. Too much time making my Christmas list for Santa… up to 30 pages so far. Now it’s Friday and I’m tired. But I couldn’t retire into the weekend without at least a nod to something education-related here.
    National Public Radio did […]

  • Liberty Common HS Principal Bob Schaffer Honored for State Board Service0

    • December 5, 2012

    Not many students can say their principal has served in Congress and chairs the State Board of Education, and has been a great champion for parental choice and positive educational transformation. The State Board this week honors the service of outgoing chair Bob Schaffer, who soon will be able to invest more of his energies as principal of the young but successful Liberty Common High School in Fort Collins.

  • I Don’t Have Time to Tell You Why Longer School Days Aren’t Enough0

    • December 4, 2012

    The concept of time is the topic of 100 proverbs and cliches. In the world of education reform, it definitely doesn’t feel like time is on our side. Every year of delay in debating, approving and implementing important policy changes — including expanded parental choice — is a year many students will not get back. […]

  • Not Louisiana, Too! Judge Striking Down Vouchers Bad Start to Weekend0

    • November 30, 2012

    Just the kind of glum news you (don’t!) want to hear before your weekend gets rolling, from the Wall Street Journal:

    A Louisiana district court judge ruled Friday that the state’s school-voucher program is unconstitutional, dealing a blow to one of the nation’s most expansive efforts to let students attend private schools at taxpayer expense.
    Judge Tim […]

  • Colorado K-12 Funding Debates REALLY Could Use Some Accepted Facts0

    • November 29, 2012

    A new Cato Institute education blogger, Jason Bedrick, highlights the work of the Independence Institute’s Education Policy Center in a posting today with a message that certainly needs to be repeated: “Public schools cost more than Americans think.” Bedrick cites Ben DeGrow’s recent interview with 9News disputing Colorado school funding figures, and makes a couple […]

  • Growing Support for Dougco Pay-for-Performance Suggests Staying Power0

    • November 28, 2012

    According to a school district dispatch yesterday, Douglas County’s visionary, cutting-edge work in performance-based educator pay and evaluations has received a key nod of community support:

    The Castle Rock Economic Development Council (EDC) has endorsed the Douglas County School District pay-for-performance program.
    “We know excellent schools are one of the top reasons that companies choose to locate […]