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  • Colorado Supreme Court Will Hear Dougco School Choice Case, More Waiting Ahead0

    • March 17, 2014

    The Colorado Supreme Court has announced it will hear the case of Taxpayers for Public Education v. Douglas County School District — yes, the case of the groundbreaking Choice Scholarship Program. One phase of waiting is over. With briefings to be exchanged into June and oral arguments expected for the fall, we just need to stay patient.

  • Not Pretty: Colorado Is Getting Caught in Other States’ Digital Learning Dust0

    • March 14, 2014

    A year ago I was just trying to figure out how to send Colorado home with its own digital learning report card. A year ago I was 5. Nearly 52 weeks later, and no progress on either front. But our state did move up a small tick on the 2013 Digital Learning Now national report […]

  • Whoa… Are the Wheels Starting to Come Off Common Core in Colorado?0

    • March 13, 2014

    The more the pro-Common Core crowd doubles down, the more traction the opposition gains. And I can’t say I’m terribly disappointed. Snarky online quizzes that studiously avoid the term “Common Core” aren’t helpful for making the case to back national standards. On the other hand, Rick Hess’ clever and insightful satire (I hope that debating […]

  • Virtual Learning Success Story Inspires0

    • March 11, 2014

    Some days you get tongue-tied (or finger-tied?), there’s a lot of background noise, and you can’t decide what in the world of K-12 education to share with people. There’s plenty going on, but nothing just seems… quite… right. Then while perusing the great Choice Media website, you stumble across the kind of story that just […]

  • Colorado Education’s Political Soap Opera Almost Makes Me Want to Change Channels0

    • March 10, 2014

    I’m much too young for soap operas (hopefully, for the rest of my life). But the politics at the Capitol around SB 191, educator effectiveness, teacher tenure, and K-12 education accountability at large… well, it seems kind of like a soap opera these days. Call it General Assembly, or The Young and the Tested, or […]

  • Two Michigan Teachers Set Free of Union; Thousands More in Limbo0

    • March 7, 2014

    Jillian Kay Melchior at National Review adds some great insights to this story, as well. Freedom for two teachers is better than freedom for none. It’s a good start. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports that “kindergarten teacher Miriam Chanski and hall of fame wrestling coach William ‘Ray’ Arthur” were finally able to get their wish and […]