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  • Survey Highlights Importance of Keeping State Tests off Private Schools0

    • January 22, 2015

    Though not so much this time of year, my Dad and I like to play catch in the backyard occasionally. It sounds kind of cliched, but my Dad starts talking about how he used to do the same thing with his dad. Then almost inevitably, he starts talking about this old movie called “Field of […]

  • Detective Eddie and the Case of the Missing ESEA SOTU Mention0

    • January 21, 2015

    As you may know, last night was the SOTU. I spent more time than one might expect attempting to convert that into a funny, education-related acronym, but had little success. For the record, I blame my failure on my age and innocent youth. Regardless, no joke for you today. But hey, maybe I don’t need […]

  • Colorado Looks Terrible at K-12 Spending (If You Fudge the Numbers)0

    • January 19, 2015

    Perhaps you’ve heard the famous expression: “If it bleeds, it leads.” The K-12 education policy version of that axiom recently played out in a recent Colorado Public Radio (CPR) story under the heading of “Colorado per-pupil spending lags US average even more, report says.” The report referenced comes from the Colorado School Finance Report (COSFP). […]

  • Ding Ding Ding! JCEA’s Round Two Battleflop0

    • January 16, 2015

    Not too long ago, John Ford of the Jefferson County Education Association told us that “the fight would start in January.” I wrote about his inspiring speech recently, but here’s the video in case you forgot: And if that weren’t enough to get this little guy scared, Complete Colorado broke the story that he’s been […]

  • N’Orleans Research Highlights the Importance of Smart Choice Programs0

    • January 16, 2015

    There are days when I think I’ve found the single, universal answer to all of my five-year-old problems. Like the time I used chewing gum to stick a loose sole back to my shoe. When I figured the same approach would also help me hang a cool Spiderman posted on my bedroom wall, I got […]

  • Learning Relationship Management: A Glimpse into Colorado K-12 Future?0

    • January 14, 2015

    I am rightly wary of making big predictions about the world of education. The more this little mind takes in, the less sure I become that anything in particular will happen. People, processes, and institutions: Put them all together, and there’s just too much unpredictability. There are some wiser and bolder than I out there […]