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  • Unity is Strength: Independence Institute Staff Take the Plunge and Unionize0

    • April 1, 2015

    You know, maybe I’ve been too hard on teachers unions. Just this year, I’ve celebrated their declining membership rates, poked fun at their colossal loss of money in the 2014 election cycle, and had a little too much fun reliving an extraordinarily entertaining “battleflop” by Jeffco’s local teachers union. Who can blame me? My big […]

  • A Dandelion on a Battlefield: Taking a Timeout to Celebrate 2015′s Daniels Scholars0

    • March 27, 2015

    Another Friday has arrived, my friends. In Colorado education, this week saw the continuation of an increasingly ugly fight over testing, accountability, and opt-outs. It will get worse before it gets better, but we don’t need to talk about that today. No, Fridays are happy days. And because I’m a stubborn young man about my […]

  • Urban Charters Rock CREDO’s Newest Report0

    • March 26, 2015

    Earlier this week, we celebrated Alabama’s entry into the world of charters even as we mourned the death of the first stab at an ESA program here in Colorado. We can’t leave the school choice balance teetering between good and sad, though, so today I want to take a look at some awesome new research […]

  • RIP, C-FLEX? This Year Perhaps, But Bring Back the Debit Card ASAP0

    • March 24, 2015

    Yesterday I celebrated the fantastic news that Alabama has become the 43rd charter school state. In that post I noted that Alabama is behind the curve (and way behind Colorado) on public school choice, but beat us to the punch on scholarship tax credits. Still, as good as it is, welcoming new states into the […]

  • Alabama Joins the Charter Club0

    • March 23, 2015

    Not too long ago, I wrote about why I love it when school choice is talked about as a “movement.” Now, though, I realize I may have been wrong there. Instead, I think school choice should be talked about as a series of simultaneous movements that are linked by similar goals and values. The Colorado […]

  • The Most Important Policy Field Trips Are the Ones I’m Not On0

    • March 20, 2015

    Fridays are always better when they involve policy field trips, don’t you think? This morning, I had the pleasure of sitting in on a floor debate on SB 45, which some of you will remember I wrote about a while back. SB 45 may well pass in the Senate, but it doesn’t have much chance […]