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  • How Not to Negotiate: Thompson’s Tepid Tentative Agreement0

    • April 29, 2015

    Last week, we dove into the ongoing ugliness in Thompson School District. The highlight of that post was CEA’s bogus petition against the board majority’s attempts to draft clearer MOU for negotiation. Certainly, CEA’s involvement in the district is a major issue and seriously alters the calculus as negotiations move forward. Reform board members were […]

  • Compared with Real Samples, Dougco Union Survey Proves a Major Flop0

    • April 28, 2015

    Ironically, regular blogging here can make me grow up fast. While remaining perpetually 5 years old, I have learned the need to develop a healthy sense of skepticism. Otherwise, it might be time to start believing in time warps and magical survey fairies. Jane Reuter of the Douglas County News-Press reports on last week’s hocus […]

  • Yes, It’s Hard to Be Humble — for Education Reformers and for This Blog0

    • April 23, 2015

    There have been more than a few times when I’ve gloated about an awesome blog idea that came to life here. On some occasions, my Education Policy Center friends warned me not to “get a big head.” At first, I was worried they meant little Eddie might turn out like this guy. Later I figured […]