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  • Two New Scholarship Tax Credit States Help Bolster Choice Equation0

    • May 14, 2015

    Earlier this week, I gave you the review of K-12 education issues in the Colorado legislative session like no one else can. Today, I just quickly wanted to look at a few developments in other states. While our own Centennial State gets closer and closer to taking a big step forward for school choice, a […]

  • Little Eddie Digs Out After the 2015 Legislative Session0

    • May 12, 2015

    The 2015 legislative session ended last week, and I have no doubt you are all eagerly awaiting a report on the progress made—or lack thereof. Luckily for you, I have been diligently digging through the aftermath of the 2015’s education battles just as I help dad shovel snow after a big storm. With a whopping […]

  • Colorado, Time to Observe National Charter Schools Week Eddie-Style0

    • May 8, 2015

    It’s a little bittersweet writing near the end of National Charter Schools Week, a couple short days after Colorado’s legislative session concluded with very little progress made on behalf of choice and fair funding. (Nor does all the wet, gray, gloomy weather help, either!) Looking back, though, the week kicked off with a great Watchdog […]

  • Thompson Stands Up for Change0

    • May 7, 2015

    Some famous guy at some point in history once said that the hardest part of any effort is taking the first step. How right he was. Even at the tender age of five, I can tell you that it’s hard to do big, scary, important stuff. But you don’t need to take my word for […]

  • Amazing Day to Appreciate Teachers and Celebrate Seven Years at Age 50

    • May 6, 2015

    With a legislative session wrapping up today, and some big school board meetings going down this week, I feel like my little head is underwater. Which makes it a perfect time to step back and briefly express my amazement. Amazed at what, you ask? In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Day, it only seems fitting […]

  • Drumroll, Please: The Great Testing Debate of 2015 Nears Conclusion0

    • May 5, 2015

    This is it, my friends. We have entered the final phase of the Great Testing Debate of 2015 as the legislature speeds toward the finish line. We’ve been talking about testing since the session began back in January (and even before then), but it looks like we’re nearing the end of the discussion. While we […]