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  • On Pay for Performance and Using the Right Yardstick0

    • July 29, 2015

    Pay for performance (PFP) is an incredibly hotly debated facet of education reform. I’ve never really quite understood that because, well, rewarding folks for doing great work strikes me as common sense. I mean, I get more allowance money if I do my chores well, and not so much if I “clean my room” by […]

  • A Tale of Two Standards? Who Can Reject a Proposed Union Contract?0

    • July 28, 2015

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. So begins one of the most famous novels of the last 200 years: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I’m too little to know what it’s all about. But the idea of making a clear and direct contrast just seemed to […]

  • New Mackinac Video Reminds Us of the Power of Choice0

    • July 24, 2015

    Hello, fellow education policy explorers! It’s 4:15 on a Friday afternoon, and your favorite little edu-wonk has quite a few things left to accomplish before he heads into a fun-filled weekend. Unfortunately, that means we aren’t going to have time for an in-depth conversation today. But never fear!  The Mackinac Center for Public Policy has […]

  • A Worthy Celebration of Instant Gratification: NC Court Upholds Choice0

    • July 23, 2015

    Only a few weeks ago we received the long-awaited news on Douglas County’s Choice Scholarship Program. While the Colorado Supreme Court narrowly left us to wait even longer and hold out hope for something even bigger and better, today brings some news of instant gratification. I only have a few minutes to share with you […]

  • NEA’s Push for “Ethnic Studies” Raises Questions0

    • July 22, 2015

    I think it’s great to see people stand up for minority kids. My policy friend Ross Izard’s recent profile of Arrupe Jesuit High School was a reminder of just how powerful those efforts can be, particularly in the context of using educational choice to provide opportunities these kids otherwise would not have. Some of you […]

  • Close Look at Diverse Charter Options Helps to Tell Us What Parents Want0

    • July 21, 2015

    What do parents want? I’m not sure why people bring this question to me. Based on my somewhat limited experience, I tend to think the answer has something to do with keeping rooms clean, eating fruits and vegetables, minding manners, and not breaking things. When it comes to a child’s education, I think there’s more […]