Kids are out of school. Christmas is 5 days away. Nobody is writing about education now. It seems like just about everybody has packed it up to go on vacation until 2011. But you get one more post from me before the holidays steal the last bit of your attention away. And it could be a highly practical payoff if you’re willing to invest a very brief moment of time.
Last-minute shopper looking for a gift or stocking stuffer for that education reformer in your life? Try one of these new books:
- Stretching the School Dollar: How Schools and Districts Can Save Money While Serving Students Best by Rick Hess
- Educational Economics: Where Do School Funds Go? by Marguerite Roza
- Saving Schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning by Paul Peterson
- The Neighbor’s Kid: A Cross-Country Journey in Search of What Education Means to Americans by Philip Brand
…And the one I’m really waiting for (though you probably will have to drop a picture of the book in the stocking, as the actual published copy isn’t due out until January: (H/T Mike Petrilli, Flypaper) The Bee Eater: Michelle Rhee Takes On the Nation’s Worst School District. For this I might just be able to wait until 2011.