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DeGrow Highlights Growing School Choice Popularity on Family News in Focus

Senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow shared his thoughts on the “Year of School Choice” — the growing number of states that have introduced and adopted voucher and tax credit legislation — on a one-minute national Family News in Focus radio report.

Noting the trend, Ben explained: “The Republican takeover of many state legislatures has really fueled a lot of these victories in vouchers and tax credits across the nation.” He also highlighted the growing interest of many Democrats in education reform issues such as charter schools and changes to teacher tenure, evaluation and pay.

Concluding the report, Stuart Shepard of Family News in Focus summed up another key point Ben made: “He says school choice gains more support every time parents taste the power and freedom to select the best option for their children.” Colorado families can learn more about exercising their educational options on our unique and informative website: