Update, 12/15: The CEA website was offline for awhile today. If you can’t access the electronic form, please send an email to Linda Lutz (llutz@coloradoea.org) with a note that you are requesting the $39 Every Member Option refund.
December 15 marks the annual deadline for Colorado Education Association members to request a refund of “Every Member Option” union funds used to support state and local political campaigns. Last year’s attention-getting 45-second video is worth watching to find out the information, or just for the nostalgic refresher:
In addition to the $39 EMO available from CEA — which can be requested electronically or by old-fashioned mail — a number of other districts have additional EMO political refund options with additional opt-out requirements. To learn all the specifics click on any of the following districts that require refunds on or shortly after December 15 (with the amount available):
- Jefferson County ($24)
- Denver ($24)
- Adams 12 ($24)
- Pueblo City ($24)
- Boulder Valley ($12)
- St. Vrain ($10)
- Pueblo 70 ($6)
- Pikes Peak ($6) (Pikes Peak EA includes Academy 20, Calhan, Canon City, Cheyenne Mountain, Cripple Creek, Ellicott, Falcon 49, Fremont Re-2, Fountain-Fort Carson 8, Hanover 28, Harrison 2, Lewis-Palmer 38, Manitou Springs 14, Miami-Yoder 60JT, Peyton 23, Widefield 3 and Woodland Park Re-2)
If you are a Colorado public school teacher, or know one, please feel free to share this post and the video. You could be making a difference and giving someone another reason to give thanks during this special holiday season.