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Costs of “slacker mandate” – extending dependent coverage to age 26

 of the Heritage Foundation writes:

Advocates of Obamacare claim that it is insuring more people under the age of 26, an accomplishment for which they are quite proud. Just this week, a report from the Department of Health and Human Services cites even greater success.[1] However, recent research shows that even with this provision, there are important, unrealized distortions and costs to the health care market.

In the case of insuring more young people, recent analysis shows that Obamacare encourages young adults to enroll in dependent coverage and drop their own coverage, causes employers to stop offering coverage, and will likely increase premiums. With Obamacare, as with everything else, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Read the whole article: Health Reform and the Impact of Extending Dependent Coverage to Age 26.