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Signing_of_Constitution_Chandler_Christy_smThe Constitutional Studies Center combines careful, objective scholarship into the original understanding of the Constitution with advocacy for human freedom under law. It produces books, issue papers, articles, and legal briefs reporting the results of its research. Since 2010, the Center has had enormous influence on constitutional law cases and commentary, but also on policy makers and grass roots activists. For example, the Center’s research findings galvanized the massive and growing “Article V” movement to restore constitutional limits on the federal government.

Latest Posts

  • GOP blocks Liu from federal judgeship0

    • May 22, 2011

    There has been much attention recently on the Republican decision to block President Obama’s nomination of law professor Goodwin Liu for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Attention is focused on his allegedly out-of-the-mainstream legal views. But to this ex-law professor, Liu doesn’t look that unusual.  He looks like just another

  • Does the Necessary and Proper Clause Grant “Broad Authority” to Congress? Actually, None at All0

    • May 18, 2011

    Probably no part of the Constitution has been so misunderstood as the Necessary and Proper Clause, which is located at Article I, Section 8, Clause 18.  The Necessary and Proper Clause has been called both an “elastic clause” and a “sweeping clause,” and many have claimed it grants vast power to Congress.  For example, a

  • What about Interstate Compacts? A frank look at the problems0

    • May 12, 2011

    In recent months, there has been interest in states forming compacts with each other to opt out of ObamaCare or other federal programs.  The idea is that because such compacts have the effect of federal law, they will supersede earlier federal laws (such as ObamaCare). The strategy is apparently being driven by one or more

  • Constitutional powers the states have, and the feds do not0

    • May 8, 2011

    The Constitution enumerates the power of the federal government—but are there authoritative lists of those powers reserved to the states with which the federal government may not interfere? Yes—many. During the period 1787-1790, while the public was debating whether to adopt the Constitution, the document’s opponents (“Anti-Federalists”) argued that the Constitution would grant the federal

  • The importance of being “natural born”0

    • April 28, 2011

    The Constitution’s Framers thought deeply about the qualifications for federal office. Those qualifications are in the Constitution for very good reasons.  Despite some of the snarky commentary you hear on the subject, it has been entirely appropriate to insist that Barack Obama—or any other candidate for federal office—provide proof that he meets the constitutional requirements

  • Control of the state courts—the latest federal takeover target?0

    • April 6, 2011

    [T]his bill . . . is an attack on state courts and on the civil jury system itself.


Get the latest edition of the popular work, The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant. You can buy it in either hard copy or Kindle form here.


Rob Natelson, Senior Fellow, Constitutional Jurisprudence
Email: rob.natelson1@gmail.com
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 114
