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  • The Breakdown of America0

    • June 8, 2013

    A nation’s health and prosperity depends on good institutions. These institutions are political and private. Good political institutions include balanced government with a significant amount of popular control, the rule of law, freedom from corruption, and respect for individual rights. Good private sector institutions include free and open markets and positive moral codes in religious

  • The Constitutional Convention Did Not Exceed Its Power and the Constitution is not “Unconstitutional”0

    • June 2, 2013

    Judging by recent claims in the media such as this one, there is still a lot of life in the old tale (dating back to the Anti-Federalists)  that the 1787 federal convention “ran away” and that the Constitution was unconstitutionally adopted. I’ve dealt with both claims in this column occasionally (see, e.g., here and here),

  • Federalism (“States’ Rights”) Get Short Shrift in Colorado Judicial Exhibit0

    • May 19, 2013

    I recently visited the new Ralph Carr Colorado Judicial Center—the huge and incredibly expensive building complex that now houses the Colorado Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. But even after spending $258 million, they couldn’t get one sign right. An exhibit there has the worthy purpose of educating the public about the rule of law.

  • Top Denver Post Columnist Exposes Weakness of Anti-TABOR Theory0

    • May 12, 2013

    Veteran Denver Post (and former Rocky Mountain News) columnist Vincent Carroll writes here about the overweaning ambition of those who support the anti-TABOR lawsuit. That lawsuit claims that because Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) imposes fiscal limits on the power of the state legislature—that is, restricts lawmakers’ power to tax, spend, and borrow— it

  • New Evidence Suggests Obama’s “Recess Appointments” Are Not Valid0

    • May 3, 2013

    Litigation over President Obama’s “recess appointments” to the National Labor Relations Board is going to the Supreme Court. A similar battle is being waged among lawyers about whether the President’s appointments to that Board, and to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, are constitutional. At stake is the legal validity of hundreds of administrative decisions and

  • Protect Democracy: Avoid Election-Day Registration0

    • April 12, 2013

    Carting uninformed, transient voters to the polls to vote for the political boss-man is a time-dishonored practice of demagogues everywhere. It has been proposed for Colorado, but it has no place here. Some historical perspective: America has a long tradition of democratic governance. By the time our American Constitution was adopted, nearly all states had