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  • Supreme Court’s Ruling Against the PC Police

    Supreme Court’s Ruling Against the PC Police0

    • June 23, 2017

    The Supreme Court’s decision this week in Matal v. Tam sent a clear warning to government officials who seek to curtail speech they deem offensive: We won’t let you do it! The warning was particularly pointed for the PC Police at state universities who try to close down viewpoints they find “offensive.” A federal law ordered the

  • How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism

    How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism0

    • May 21, 2017

    You may have heard alarms that if we hold a national convention for proposing constitutional amendments the gathering would be an uncontrollable constitutional convention (“con-con”) that could propose anything at all. The claim is called the “runaway scenario.” It has almost no basis in history or law. But it has long frightened Americans away from

  • How the New York Times Misrepresents the Supreme Court

    How the New York Times Misrepresents the Supreme Court0

    • April 30, 2017

    A recent New York Times story, titled “A Polarized Supreme Court, Growing More So,” illustrates how left-of-center media distort perceptions of the U.S. Supreme Court. The story’s problems begin with the lead paragraph’s assertion that Justice Neil Gorsuch’s appointment is “a conservative replacing another conservative.” What the Times probably intended to say is that the