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  • The Convention of States in American History

    The Convention of States in American History0

    • June 1, 2017

    In this short essay, constitutional historian Rob Natelson thumbnails the three-centuries long history of “conventions of the states.” When delegations from the states assemble in Phoenix, Arizona later this year, they will be basking in a long and rich American tradition. As far back as 1677, British colonies in North America sent “commissioners” (delegates) to

  • Convention Rules for a Convention of the States

    Convention Rules for a Convention of the States0

    • May 28, 2017

    The convention of the states meeting in Phoenix, Arizona in September will need a set of rules. Moreover, that convention will be engaged in further rule-writing because the Arizona Legislature called it partly to suggest rules for a prospective Article V Convention for Proposing Amendments. I suggest the planners start with the Model Rules provided

  • How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism

    How Progressives Promoted the “Runaway Convention” Myth To Protect the “Warren Court’s” Judicial Activism0

    • May 21, 2017

    You may have heard alarms that if we hold a national convention for proposing constitutional amendments the gathering would be an uncontrollable constitutional convention (“con-con”) that could propose anything at all. The claim is called the “runaway scenario.” It has almost no basis in history or law. But it has long frightened Americans away from