Commerce City is twisting itself in knots over whether or not to allow hydraulic fracturing within its city limits. The City Council delayed the moratorium vote for another month so it could discuss the issue further according to reports from 9 News.
Commerce City officials would be wise to head north and seek counsel from Greeley. In an interview on the Amy Oliver Show, Greeley Mayor Tom Norton revealed that the city has roughly 200 wells within its boundaries that are hydraulically fractured. It’s been going on for years, and he has no cause for concern. Furthermore, the wells serve as a revenue stream for the city.
With more than 18,000 wells, 90 percent of which are hydraulically fractured, Greeley and Weld County have proven that oil and gas can peacefully and environmentally co-exist with landowners, including those in urban areas.
Commerce City residents have no reason to fear hydraulically fracturing. In fact the only people who should be afraid of fracking are those who make money selling Middle East oil to the United States. In our new energy economy, we have the Saudis running scared.