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Colorado’s coming special session of deception

Colorado’s coming special session of deception

by Jon Caldara

A quick refresher for those who have a life, and don’t follow how special interests run the legislature: The first big deception leading to this special session was how the legislature expanded Medicaid, putting nearly one out of every four Coloradans on welfare without any permanent way to fund it. They should have gone to the voters and asked if we wanted to pay for this massive expansion of Obamacare. Knowing we’d overwhelmingly reject it, they of course did it anyway.

This strategy works: get people addicted to a new entitlement and when it crowds out funding for other basic services, raise taxes for those “under-funded” core governmental functions people do support, like roads or education. It’s the classic bait and switch.

Read the whole article originally published in The Denver Post on September 29, 2017.