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Colorado should let Medicaid recipients supplement Medicaid payments with their own money

Here’s a state-level Medicaid reform that the Colorado Legislature and the Colorado Center for Health Care Policy & Financing should implement:*  Let Medicaid recipients supplement Medicaid payments with their own money. Why? John C. Goodman explains:

Take a look at the table below. It compares the prices charged by MinuteClinic to the rates Medicaid pays in Dallas. In general, Medicaid pays less than half. That’s why MinuteClinics usually don’t accept Medicaid. If low-income families were allowed to add from $30 to $50 of their own money to the Medicaid rate, however, in one fell swoop we could make high-quality, very accessible primary care available to millions of people.

Read the whole post: What Food Stamps Can Teach Us about Health Care.

*I’m not sure if this would require asking the federal government for a waiver.