From Jon Caldara:
As I hope you know, we have been working to bring to this Fall’s Colorado ballot a citizens’ amendment, the Right to Health Care Choice. Well, we just cleared a massive hurdle. A federal court judge has placed an emergency injunction on a new state law that made it near impossible to get an initiative on the ballot.
In 2009 the state legislature, with heavy bipartisan support, passed a law outlawing paying petition gatherers by the signature they collect. This may sound like a small change to the process, but as I have found out, it doubles or triples the cost of getting a citizens’ initiative on the ballot. …
Last Friday the ruling came down, and the worst part of the law has been enjoined. We can now pay petition circulators by the signature, meaning we can now afford to petition the government. Now we are off and running!
We still are counting on a large volunteer effort. If you are interested in helping gather signatures contact Mike Krause at (click dots for Recaptcha)