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Charter Schools: Colorado's Mandate For Change

IP-11-1993 (April 1993)
Author: Marilyn Blackmon and David S. D’Evelyn

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In Brief:

Blackmon, a mother from boulder, says charter schools would serve 13 interests including neighborhoods, diversity, equity, measuring performance school pride, reducing dropouts, better teaching, parental involvement, raising standards, facilitating choice, maintaining student interaction, preserving extracurricular options, and Strengthening school leadership.

D’Evelyn, an educator from Evergreen, says charter schools would be… a lever for change, a relief value, an incentive for empowerment for parents, a partner for businesses, an antidote for sameness, and a fresh start for public education.

Myth-busting, he adds that charter schools would not be… biased, private, costly, unregulated, amateurish, fly-by-night, or anti-public.