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Cast Your Votes for the Best and Worst K-12 Education Developments in 2010

What are the best and worst developments in K-12 education for 2010? You can chime in and make your selections on a poll sponsored by Education Next — based on a list released by Stanford University’s Koret Task Force on K-12 Education.

Ten items are available for you to rate either as one of the two best or two worst developments. Included as possible choices are items I’ve written about over the course of 2010, including:

Looking at the last one, I can’t figure out why Colorado’s much heralded teacher tenure and evaluation reform legislation, Senate Bill 191, was left off the list. And maybe what Douglas County has done hasn’t registered quite enough on the national radar yet to merit consideration… maybe next year? Or maybe we’re just flyover country out here.

But anyway, you can probably figure out which one of the above qualified to win a Best of 2010 vote from me. The competition for earning my Worst of 2010 votes was a bit stiffer, but you can probably guess which two made the cut. Now it’s your turn to practice a little education-oriented democracy: Go vote.

Hey, is it almost 2011 already?