“Happy Holidays,” is what Communists say. We say “Merry Christmas,” but feel free to agree or disagree on our weekly, super-scientific poll at IndependenceInstitute.org.
Because my kids don’t get enough days off from public school, despite what seems like 20 “teacher service days,” they of course have an extra-long winter break. But unlike public schools, things are busier than ever here at the Freedom Embassy.
Ross Izard, Independence Institute’s Senior Education Policy Analyst, was published in the Denver Post detailing how nearly half of Colorado’s unionized school districts are operating under negotiated policies or agreements that place students’ educations and excellent teachers’ jobs at risk by unlawfully prioritizing simple seniority over performance in layoff situations. Read about it here.
Our expert on Colorado’s state pension system, Joshua Scharf, recently examined the shortcomings of Colorado’s Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA). Why should you read all about it? Well, because YOU are on the hook to bail out this broken system. Check out the problems, as well as the plans to change PERA’s destructive course here.
Conveniently, Scharf is sitting down with me this Friday on Devil’s Advocate to discuss it. If you’re like me, you’ll be free to watch because you couldn’t find a Friday-night date. I’m also joined by Colorado’s new Senate President, Kevin Grantham, for a preview of the action in the upcoming legislative session. That’s Friday night at 8:30 on Colorado Public Television channel 12. Re-broadcast Monday at 12:30 PM.
And, if you’re lucky enough to be going out Friday night, you can always catch up on Devil’s Advocate and all our videos on our YouTube channel, IITV.
And remember, those who give an end-of-year gift to the Independence Institute are more likely to get a lump of coal in their stocking. And that will piss off some eco-leftist. Isn’t THAT what the season is all about?
Think Freedom,
Jon Caldara