It’s ATF Party Time!
There are so many things the modern progressive just cannot handle: people choosing their own healthcare plan, educational choice, private property rights. But it’s the little things that might annoy them most, like a man enjoying a cigar they have yet to outlaw, a woman sipping one-too-many martinis, and of course, blowing crap up with a shotgun.
And THAT’S what puts the icing on the trans-fat-filled cake we call our Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Party. It’s not just that we’re enjoying the perks of adulthood, it’s knowing that so many nannyists (who know how we should live and use government to get us to live that way) would hate that we’re doing it.
Remember, “Every time a clay pigeon dies, a progressive cries.”
And you’ll cry if you miss our little party. We only have 16 spots left!
Click here to see pictures and here to see video from last year!
Join me, US Congressman Ken Buck, Colorado State Senator John Cooke, and nationally-known 2nd Amendment Rock Star David Kopel to shoot clay pigeons followed by lunch, libations, and cigars at the beautiful Kiowa Creek Sporting Club.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Kiowa Creek Sporting Club
46700 E County Rd 30, Bennett,CO 80102
7:30 am – 1:30 pm
(Shooting runs from 8:30 am – 11:30 am)
Help us gun for freedom at our ATF Party!
Contact Alex Hutton to learn more at 303/276-6536 x117,, or register here before the August 18 deadline.
See you there!