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Caldara’s Newsletter 07-28-17

Caldara’s Newsletter 07-28-17

I have a question to ask. But first, let me put it in context.

As I’ve mentioned before, in the quarter century I’ve been an activist in Colorado politics I have never witnessed such a betrayal of taxpayers by Republicans as I did this last legislative session. State senate leadership caved like a Dixie-cup to a half-billion dollar per year tax increase and a multi-billion dollar debt package. What made this so outrageous is not just the massive growth in state government, but that this tax and debt scheme won’t be brought to the people for a public vote.

I wrote about this for the Denver Post a while back.

The Republicans who betrayed taxpayers don’t want this subject to be talked about, and since it won’t come to a public vote, unlike Ref C did a decade ago, they might get their way.

The Colorado Union of Taxpayers won’t let them off easy. Founded in 1976, CUT has, for the first time EVER, created a “Wall of Shame” to make sure voters remember what Senate President Kevin Grantham, Jerry Sonnenberg, Polly Lawrence, and others did. They rightfully call Senate Bill 267, “the most egregious bill in decades.”

So, the big question is: Should the Republican Party be the party that fights to restrain the growth and scope of government, or, should it be the party that grows government, but at a slower pace than Democrats want? If it’s the latter, Republican candidates need to stop lying by saying they stand for the former.

Thanks to all who donated to Team Parker, which is named after my daughter. Team Parker raised $14,000 for Children’s Hospital as they peddled through the Rockies last weekend. I can’t express what it means to me that all of you keep the memory of my sweet little girl alive. Please read my piece on this from the Denver Post.

The most politically incorrect party of the year is just around the corner – our annual Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Party! Yes, we really do smoke, shoot, and drink. Like Jimmy Stewart said in It’s a Wonderful Life, “Every time a clay pigeon dies a progressive cries.” Hack off your liberal mother-in-law and come have some anti-nanny fun. Get your tickets today!

I’ve added to my many quixotic goals another impossible one – getting Colorado Public Radio’s news staff to hire some ideological diversity in hopes of getting unbiased news coverage. Hell, I’ll even settle for just less biased. Read my latest for the Denver Post here.  You can also watch me rant about it on one of our Freedom Minutes.

Think Freedom!
