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Caldara’s Newsletter 01-16-17 “Gender wage gap? What wage gap, toots?”

Caldara’s Newsletter 01-16-17 “Gender wage gap? What wage gap, toots?”

It’s a wonderful challenge to be the single parent of a 14-year-old girl. When I try to teach her the simple truths of life she constantly fights me. Our conversations seem to go like this:

Me: “You know, the country went to hell once women got the right to vote.”
Daughter: “Dad! You’re such a sexist!”
Me: “For the thousandth time, I’m not a sexist.”
Daughter: “Then what are you?”
Me: “A misogynist.”
Daughter: “What’s the difference?”
Me: “Commitment.”

I love raising a smart, feisty, and talented daughter. She keeps me on my toes, and, sadly, she’s getting my sense of humor. But I do worry about her future and her ability to be self-sufficient. So, what about reports that say women in Colorado make over 17% less than their male peers? Well, our Senior Fellow Paul Prentice might earn my daughter’s wrath with his article, “Gender-Based Wage Gap Still Being Perpetuated.” The lesson is that decisions have consequences.

Why is it that efforts to “save the planet” always end up taking the most from the little guys? In a not-so-shocking display of crony corporatism, the state of Colorado is making taxpayers give $7.6 million to subsidize electric vehicles buyers. Sure, Teslas are cool when you discount their ridiculous doors. But they are primarily owned by rich, white, Denver Metro residents. Of course, if there’s anyone who needs a tax break, it’s certainly the rich, white man. Do you have a few ideas of where the state could better use $7.6 million dollars? We certainly do. Michael Sandoval analyzes the EV Subsidy and what it means for you in his latest article.

Shouldn’t they be taking transit instead of driving anyways? In a series of short articles, transportation expert Randal O’Toole explains why so few of us use public transit.

Reason #1, it’s slow.
Reason #2, it doesn’t go where you want to go.
Reason #3, it’s expensive.
Reason #4, it lacks privacy and security.

We all remember, and still often feel, the tremendous loss of Justice Scalia. With Trump’s inauguration approaching, many of us are wondering who will step into those gigantic shoes. II’s Senior Fellow in Constitutional Jurisprudence, Rob Natelson, recently published an article discussing what qualifications and qualities would best be suited for the future member of SCOTUS. Read about it here.

Next week is National School Choice Week! Meet us at the west steps of the Colorado Capitol at 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM on Thursday, January 26 to celebrate all types of school choice. You’ll hear from II’s own Erick Valencia and past high school intern DeMarco Randall as they discuss the positive impact of school choice in Colorado. You might also recognize another face at the speaking podium; Freedom Minute star Jordan Smith will be at the rally to tell everyone about her experience at Golden View Classical Academy, a charter school in Jeffco. But don’t listen to me about it, let Jordan tell you about it herself in her latest Freedom Minute video. We hope to see you there!

Think Freedom,

Jon Caldara