I’m thrilled that the mayor of Colorado Springs just signed our petition to put Fix Our Damn Roads (FODR) on this fall’s ballot.
Like most Coloradans, John Suthers is frustrated with how little the state has put into our crumbling roadways, and he knows it doesn’t take another tax increase to properly fund them.
FODR is our statutory (not constitutional) citizen’s initiative to require the state of Colorado to bond $3.5 billion for specifically listed road and bridge projects around the state – WITHOUT RAISING TAXES OR FEES. None of the funding can be used for buses, trolleys, bike lanes, or other transit/multi-modal projects – only roads and bridges.
We only have a few weeks left to gather the needed 100,000 valid signatures to guarantee it makes the ballot so I really need your help.
Here are two things I’m asking you to do. First, would you please volunteer to carry a petition booklet and gather signatures of family, friends, coworkers and any registered voters who are sick of the traffic caused by the state pulling money away from roads to pay for Obamacare. Contact Mike Krause at mike@i2i.org for info.
Our attorney said that dead voters shouldn’t sign the petition, but I completely disagree.
And as we do our final push for signatures we are using paid petition gatherers, which costs us about $3 a signature. Right now would you PLEASE go to our crowdfunding platform FreedomFy and donate $21 dollars, which gets us 7 signatures, or $99, or $300. https://www.freedomfy.com/
Gasoline is $3 a gallon. Fixed roads and free-flowing traffic will save you gas. Please give us what you would spend on a tank of gas to Fix Our Damn Roads!
The signature YOU help us get might be the one that puts us over the top! Go to https://www.freedomfy.com/