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  • Why Not an Economic Miracle for Colorado?0

    • January 31, 1986

    Why Not an Economic Miracle for Colorado?

  • Fitness Idea For Metro Transportation: Put RTD On A Tax Diet0

    • January 17, 1986

    Fast, efficient, and economical movement of people and goods within the Denver metropolitan area is important to the economic health of the entire state and region. Improving the transportation system of the West’s regional hub was the goal when mass transit operations were transferred from private to public ownership 16 years ago. But it is now difficult to argue that the Regional Transportation District is progressing toward the goal in any meaningful way.

  • Convention Center: Who Gets, Who Pays, And What To Do The Morning After0

    • October 9, 1985

    “Shall the City and County of Denver construct a convention center near the Denver Union Terminal in the Central Platte Valley with at least 300,000 square feet of exhibition floor space, with the capaility of being expanded incrementally to a total of 600,000 square feet of floor space?” This is the ballot question in Denver’s October 15 referendum.