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  • Interstate Banking: How Colorado Would Benefit0

    • December 21, 1987

    Should Colorado permit bank ownership across State lines? When this proposal was defeated in the 1986 legislative session, opponents were relative at avoiding its “devastating impact on communities” and its “danger to the economy from concentration of the money supply in the hands of a few giant mega-banks.”

  • Far East Trade And Tourism: Is Colorado Serious?0

    • December 11, 1987

    Colorado is now poised to enter the international trade market, but seriousness is the price of admission. The international market demands that Colorado be committed for the long term.

  • Public Schools of Choice: Key to Colorado Education Reform0

    • November 16, 1987

    The first wave of education reform in the 1980s has been largely superficial.
    To be really effective, the second wave of reform must be structural.
    A system giving parents their choice among public schools would do much to drive substantive reform — without involving private schools and the church state issue.

  • Home Education in Colorado: Clarifying Parents' and Children's Rights0

    • April 1, 1987

    Home schooling is an educational model whereby the primary academic instruction of children takes place in the childs home, generally by one or both parents but sometimes by another family member or an outside tutor. It was a common means of educating children in early American history.

    During much of the twentieth century, home education was practically unheard of in many circles. But during the past decade it has become perhaps the most widely growing phenomenon in American education, including the state of Colorado.

  • Avoiding An Automatic Tax Increase In 19870

    • December 12, 1986

    The State of Colorado will collect more than $250 million in higher income taxes from individuals and businesses in 1987 as a side-effect of federal tax reform.
    Taxpayers face an average increase of 33% unless the legislature acts.
    This shortfall in family budgets has been misleadingly described as a “windfall” by the spending lobbies, leaving many Coloradans thinking the money will come from Washington rather that their own pockets.

  • How Independence's 'Election Watch' 86' Urged Candidates and Voters Toward A More Issue-Oriented Campaign0

    • December 5, 1986

    While few Coloradans liked every outcome in the 1986 elections, and fewer still liked the raucous tone of many campaigns, it could have been worse. There was at least one new voice on the state political scene this year doing its best to help frame the voters’ choice around issues — rather than around personalities, partisanship, and 30-second spots.