Should Colorado mandate that each car owner buy a comprehensive lifetime vehicle warranty? By the logic of a common argument against Colorado Amendment 63 and for mandatory medical insurance, the answer is “Yes.” Mandatory insurance treats your body as a means to political ends, rather than respecting your rights as an individual.
An editorial in the Boulder Daily Camera provides an example. It states:
The individual mandate widens the pool of people with bodies — bodies that, inevitably and without fail, need some medical care at some point — that pay for health insurance. The mix of the extremely healthy, the healthy, the sick and the acutely ill is one way to make our health care system healthier.
This argument illustrates H.L. Mencken‘s observation: “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”
Read the rest of this article at the Huffington Post: Amendment 63′s Foes Only Want You for Your Body.