A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s: She changes it more often.
– Amy Oliver Cooke
Amy Oliver Cooke is the Executive Vice President and Director of the Energy Policy Center for the Independence Institute, Colorado’s free market, state-based think tank. She manages the Institute’s educational outreach efforts for Kids Are First and Bring In the Vote. She has been with II since 2004.
She hosted the award-winning Amy Oliver Show that was heard on News Talk 1310 KFKA Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 am. In 2008, the Colorado Broadcasters Association recognized her with the Award of Excellence for Best News Talk personality in a major market. She was recognized again in 2011 with the Award of Merit for Best News Talk personality in a major market.
Her collaborative work with the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s William Yeatman exposed Colorado’s phantom carbon tax and how Colorado’s largest investor owned utility and the Public Utilities Commission continue to mislead ratepayers about the real cost of the state’s renewable energy mandate.
Her work led to a full audit of Colorado’s PUC Commissioners with two of three commissioners not returning for a second term. She also exposed shoddy accounting in the Governor’s Energy Office after receiving more than $100 million in stimulus money, which also led to a full audit and legislation reorganizing the agency.
Amy was part of a national team that worked for several months to educate federal lawmakers on both sides of the aisle about the consequences of President Obama’s nomination of Colorado’s former PUC Chairman Ron Binz to head up the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. As a result of that effort, Mr. Binz was forced to withdraw his nomination.
She has written numerous opinion editorials, issue papers, and issue backgrounders and has been published in the Daily Caller, Townhall, Denver Post, Pueblo Chieftain, Greeley Tribune, Denver Business Journal, Denver Daily News, Liberty Ink Journal, Wall Street Journal, and on Save Our States. She has appeared on Fox News, NPR, MSN.com, and Power Hour.
Amy earned a degree in journalism in 1985 from the prestigious University of Missouri-Columbia.
She also earned a graduate degree in American History from the University of Northern Colorado.
Part three in a series responding to a Denver Post guest editorial titled “Is Colorado addicted to oil?” from Gary Wockner of Clean Water Action. The impetus for Wockner’s column seems to be a comment from Governor John Hickenlooper regarding the recent announcement from Anadarko Petroleum about increased investment in the Wattenberg Field due to
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