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Promises that ObamaCare has broken and will Break

John Merline at Investor’s Business Daily writes:

When the Kaiser Family Foundation reported last week that insurance premiums had climbed 9.5% this year — the biggest increase since 2004 — it looked as though a key promise of Obama-Care had been broken.

Indeed, just before he signed the health reform law, President Obama said it would “bring down the cost of health care for families, for businesses, and for the federal government.” Instead, average family premiums have climbed $2,393 since 2008, the Kaiser survey found.

This is the latest ObamaCare prediction that has failed to materialize. If the history of state and federal health care reforms is any guide, it won’t be the last.

Read the whole article for other busted forecasts: ObamaCare’s Growing List Of Broken Promises.

Via Reason.com.