Independence Institute is proud to announce that the fifth and final nominee for the coveted title of Californian of the Year is Colorado Governor Jared Polis.
The Californian of the Year is the man, woman, non-binary, or gender-fluid person who has done the most to turn our once liberty-loving state of Colorado into the command and control, over-taxed, over-regulated, over-dependent, hypersensitive, politically correct, buzz-kill state of California.
Jared Polis is a perennial fan favorite, and who can blame them. The man who signed the bill to strangle our oil and gas industry, the man who gave us “Meat-out Day,” the man who appointed a rabid vegan activist to be on the veterinary board overseeing ranching, the man who legally tied our car emissions standards to the whims of the California governor. Well, he is California.
Polis inherited one of the best state economies in the country and by engaging his Californian authoriarian mindset, he has shuttered businesses with his lockdown orders, signed onto $700 million of tax increases this year alone (and by calling them fees did so without voter consent), and opened the door to turning employers into the anti-car gestapo, tracking how workers come to work and reporting it to the state for punishment.
Is there any wonder why Colorado has fallen from the state with the lowest unemployment to one in the top third for unemployment? Might his extension of the $300 a week federal bonuses for unemployment have helped?
Gun control, minimum wage increases, gas tax hikes, increased power bills, outlawing of gas appliances, plastic bag bans, and countless more restrictions of our freedoms ALL could have been stopped if only Jared stood up to the socialists in the legislature and vetoed their insane bills. He didn’t, showing his true Californian spirit of caving into progressive insanity.
When we learned that Jared Polis officially filed court documents to legally change his name to Jared Newsom, in honor of his idol, the governor of California, his nomination for Californian of the Year was guaranteed.
Join us to see who takes home the honor of Californian of the Year by coming to our Floor Signing Happy Hour TODAY at 5:30pm. At this party, you can graffiti up the floors of our Freedom Embassy, much like the oh-so-California-like graffiti all over the city of Denver, before we install our new floors. Come and leave a surprise message for the next generation.
See you tonight!
Think Freedom,