Independence Institute is proud to announce that the fourth nominee for the coveted title of Californian of the Year is Colorado State Senator Faith Winter.
The Californian of the Year is the man, woman, non-binary, or gender-fluid person who has done the most to turn our once liberty-loving state of Colorado into the command and control, over-taxed, over-regulated, over-dependent, hypersensitive, politically correct, buzz-kill state of California.
Faith Winter should be known for so much more than her vixen-like power over men, which we witnessed with the downfall of Representative Steve Lebsock, who just couldn’t help but to come on to her. Of course, Lebsock is merely a man. And it takes much more than a mere man to resist being pulled in by Faith’s undeniable allure.
But it isn’t her Hollywood glamour that landed Faith a nomination for Californian of the Year. Ms. Winter is the queen of socialism, although she might balk at this gender-ist title. She has been a prime sponsor for bills totaling over $4.2 billion in taxes over the past few legislative sessions and has added roughly 490 employees to the government payroll.
In just the first six months of this year alone, she ran up a $367 million bill on the taxpayers. And that’s on top of her employment-crushing “family leave act.” Together they cost the taxpayers $3 billion.
She, like other Californians, understands that the road to prosperity is through taxation. Progressive, bold, brilliant, and beautiful. This beer, paid for with an unemployment check, is for you Faith!
Join us to see who takes home the honor of Californian of the Year by coming to our Floor Signing Happy Hour TOMORROW, 10/28. At this party, you can graffiti up the floors of our Freedom Embassy, much like the oh-so-California-like graffiti all over the city of Denver, before we install our new floors. Come and leave a surprise message for the next generation.
Stay tuned for the final nominee announcement!
Think Freedom!