Independence Institute is proud to announce that the second nominee for the coveted title of Californian of the Year is Mayor of Denver Michael Hancock.
The Californian of the Year is the man, woman, non-binary, or gender-fluid person who has done the most to turn our once liberty-loving state of Colorado into the command and control, over-taxed, over-regulated, over-dependent, hypersensitive, politically correct, buzz-kill state of California.
Mayor Hancock took his campaign pledge of “Imagine a crappy city” and through hard work and undaunted determination, turned his vision into reality.
Under his lack of leadership, Denver has become a decaying, dangerous obstacle course of passed-out bodies, human fecal matter, used syringes, and broken people on the government dole. Hancock’s recent shining moment was the closing, I’m sorry, the “taking back” of Civic Center Park from the vagrant hoards inhabiting it.
The mayor’s love of tax increases, growth control, and central planning has made Denver the unaffordable Mecca for the unproductive and listless.
We were particularly taken by his bold official rebranding of our tired city motto “Denver – The Mile High City,” to the sleek, inviting “Denver – The Anus of Colorado.”
Join us as we announce the Californian of the Year winner at our Floor Signing Happy Hour THIS Thursday, 10/28. At this party, you can graffiti up the floors of our Freedom Embassy, much like the oh-so-California-like graffiti all over the city of Denver, before we install our new floors. Come and leave a surprise message for the next generation.
This is a must-show event! Be there! (It’s free, you cheapskate, and yes we have beer, jeez).
Stay tuned for the third nominee announcement soon!
Think Freedom!