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The 2021 Californian of the Year is…

The 2021 Californian of the Year is…
At long last, the anticipation is over; we can breathe and give credit where credit is due. This year’s Californian of the Year award goes out to the brave Senator Faith Winter. Although she resides in the north Denver metro area, her heart is filled with visions of sunny beaches and the progressive utopia of the state where she was educated.

Colorado’s characteristic love of individual freedom stands in contrast to California’s loosey-goosey embrace of “collective rights” and a government that imposes points of view, often moral ones, upon its people. And did we mention the taxes? Colorado requires the government to ask the people before raising taxes. California taxed and spent about $160 billion this year without asking first.

But fret not, California is merely an idea that can exist anywhere, and it’s on its way to save us Coloradans from ourselves. Luckily, all our pesky “fiscal responsibility” can be avoided by someone determined enough—someone Californian enough.

Today we proudly award someone who is that determined. Faith Winter has been a prime sponsor for bills totaling over $4.2 billion in taxes over the past few legislative sessions. No, really. Check out our list below.

She also added roughly 490 employees to the government payroll. In just the first six months of this year alone, she ran up a $367 million bill on the taxpayers.

Her proudest accomplishment by far in this regard is the employment-killing payroll tax, FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Act and its accompanying program. She, like other Californians, understands that the road to prosperity is through taxation and paying people not to work. Progressive, bold, brilliant.

Another achievement of hers is the $10.4 million Senate Bill 21-1266, passed in the name of increasing environmental justice. It places particularly heavy burdens on her own constituents, suffocating manufacturers and sellers of hardware and appliances with “ambitious” environmental quotas. Colorado would usually embrace the self-reliant maxim that when something’s broken, you fix it. But Winter has brought a new idea: if something’s broken, throw it into an [expensive, environmentally compliant] landfill and buy a brand new [expensive, environmentally compliant] item altogether. Surely the residents, shopkeepers, and repairmen of the largely blue-collar north Denver metro area are grateful to be taught to update their old maxim.

Let us all give thanks we have someone in our legislature to enlighten us with some West Coast wisdom. Someone who understands that in order for us to learn, we must feel it in our checkbooks.

Oh, and as promised above, if you’re looking for a little leisure time reading, here’s the list of bills (with cost to taxpayers) in which Winter was a prime sponsor. Enjoy.

Please join me once again in congratulating Faith Winter, the 2021 Californian of the Year!

Bill Name Bill # Tax FTE
Reduce Greenhouse Gases Increase Environmental Justice SB21-200 $10,000,000 33.6
Sustainability of the Transportation System SB21-260 $280,500,000 32.8
Private Lenders of Student Loans Acts and Practices SB21-057 $225,000 1
Behavioral Health Recovery Act SB21-137 $0 5.8
Conservation Easement Working Group Proposals SB21-033 -$42,700,000 21.7
Sunset Continue State Board of Pharmacy SB21-094 $1,800,000 7.8
Agricultural Soil Health Program HB21-1181 $0 0
Federal Covid Funding for Victim’s Services SB21-292 $0 0.3
Licensing of Respite Child Care Centers SB21-269 $0 0
Free Menstrual Hygiene Products to Students SB21-255 $0 0
Transfer to Colorado Energy Office Energy Fund SB21-230 $0 0.5
Remove Barriers to Certain Public Opportunities SB21-199 $10,000,000 0
Protecting Opportunities and Workers’ Rights Act SB21-176 $0 0
Sunset Office of Consumer Counsel SB21-103 $0 5
Extending Limitations on Debt Collection SB21-002 $1,138,810 0
Continue Covid-19 Small Business Grant Program HB21-1302 $0 0
Environmental Justice Disproporionate Impacted Community HB21-1266 $5,900,000 26.5
Title and Registration Motor Vehicle Regulation HB21-1256 $43,080,850 0
Renewable and Clean Energy Project Grants HB21-1253 $0 0
Conservation Easement Tax Credit Modifications HB21-1233 $57,100,000 2.3
Domestic Violence Training Court Personnel HB21-1228 $0 1
Natural Disaster Mitigation Enterprise HB21-1208 $0 3
Ranked Choice Voting in Nonpartisan Elections HB21-1071 $0 0.8
Title Certificates Off-Highway Vehicle Transfers HB21-1024 $438,063 1.7
2021 Totals: $367,482,723 143.8
COVID-19 Relief Small and Minority Businesses Arts Organizations SB20B-001 $2,073,000 0
Use CARES Act Money Small Business Grant Program SB20-222 $0 0
Reimbursement for Telehealth Services SB20-212 $0 0
Limitations on Extraordinary Collection Actions SB20-211 $1,700,000 0
Unemployment Insurance SB20-207 $247,500,000 0
Dyslexia Education in Criminal & Juvenile Justice System SB20-180 $0 77.3
Treatment Opioid and Other Substance Use Disroders SB20-007 $0 0
Funding for Eviction Legal Defense Fund HB20-1405 $2,122,650 0
Colorado Homeless Project Contribution Tax Credit HB20-1335 $34,000,000 7.3
Sunset Mental Health Professionals HB20-1206 $1,900,000 5.9
Prevention of Substance Use Disorders HB20-1085 $0 0
Insurance Cover Infertility Diagnosis Treatment Preserve HB20-1158 $0 0.1
Environmental Justice & Projects Increase Environmental Fines HB20-1085 $0 0
Menstrual Hygiene Products in Schools Program HB20-1131 $0 0.6
2020 Totals: $289,295,650 91.2
Prevent Sexual Misconduct at Higher Ed Campuses SB19-007 $0 0
Electric Utility Plans to Further Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions HB19-1313 $645,387 3
Management of Legislative Workplace Conduct SB19-244 $0 2.2
Substance Use Disorders Prevention Measures SB19-228 $0 3
Front Range Waste Diversion Enterprise Grant Program SB19-192 $15,872,029 6.5
FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program SB19-188 $2,710,523,793 0.6
Eviction Legal Defense Fund SB19-180 $0 0
Sunset River Outfitters Licensing SB19-160 $85,498 1.5
Sunset Fire Supression Registration & Inspection SB19-157 $201,500 2
Regulate Student Education Loan Servicers SB19-002 $560,000 3
Modernizing Marriage Laws for Minors HB19-1316 $0 0
Just Transition from Coal-Based Electric Energy Economy HB19-1314 $0 2
Final Disposition Reimbursement Plan HB19-1304 $0 0
Cancer Treatment and License Plate Surcharge HB19-1302 $0 1
Computer Science Grant Program HB19-1277 $0 0
Right-of-Way for Snowplows in Echelon Formation HB19-1265 $0 0
Conservation Easement Tax Credit Modifications HB19-1264 $1,000,000 3.8
Climate Action Plan to Reduce Pollution HB19-1261 $0 3
Board of Pharmacy Regulate Pharmacy Technicians HB19-1242 $775,285 2.4
Census Outreach Grant Program HB19-1239 $0 1.5
Social Security Disability Application Assistance HB19-1223 $0 0.9
Colorado Clean Pass Act HB19-1199 $142,895 0
Nurse Practitioner Workers’ Compensation HB19-1105 $13,600 0
2019 Totals: $2,729,819,987 36.4
Enforce Requirements 811 Locate Underground Facilities SB18-167 $5,000 2.1
Transportation Infrastructure Funding SB18-001 $836,700,000 0
Regulate Student Education Loan Services HB18-1415 $4,000 0
RTD Low-Income Fare Program HB18-1401 $0 0
Colorado Youth Advisory Council Review Committee HB18-1395 $0 0.4
Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education HB18-1391 $0 0
Climate Change Preparedness & Resiliency HB18-1297 $0 2
Sunset Conservation Easement Oversight Commission HB18-1291 $500,000 3.75
Expand Child Care Expenses Income Tax Credit HB18-1208 $5,600,000 0
FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Act HB18-1001 $3,501,000 211.1
2018 Totals: $846,310,000 219.35
2018 – 2021 Totals: $4,232,908,360 490.75