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  • Do What First?0

    • June 14, 2011

    The Texas Transportation Institute estimates that commuters wasted $115 billion sitting in traffic in 2009–up from just $24 billion in 1982. But Smart Growth America is still promoting its idiotic “fix-it first” policy. Federal Highway Administration data show that the number of bridges that are “structurally deficient” has steadily declined from 79,000 in 1992 to […]

  • Cars: Necessity or Luxury?0

    • June 13, 2011

    Some people are chortling over a recent Pew survey that finds the share of Americans who think that cars are a “necessity” is the lowest since pollsters started asking the question in 1973. Perhaps, some are suggesting, that’s because young people aren’t driving as much as older Americans, so we shouldn’t invest much more in […]

  • Bullets in a Railway Heart0

    • June 10, 2011

    This “news” is a couple of months old, but Caixin Weekly, a Chinese business magazine, has published an extremely critical article about that country’s high-speed rail program. This report probably inspired similar but shorter articles in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and other publications.

  • Driving Alone without a Vehicle0

    • June 8, 2011

    According to census data, about 4 percent of American workers–5.9 million–live in households that have no automobiles. Conventional wisdom suggests that these are people who are either too poor to own a vehicle, and we should pity them; or people who for environmental or other reasons have learned to live without a vehicle, and we […]

  • Meet Smokey0

    • June 7, 2011

    The Antiplanner visited Austin over the weekend to pick up Smokey, an 8-week-old Belgian Tervuren puppy. Smokey is actually a nephew (several generations removed) to Chip. While waiting for the return plane, we visited a city park where I was reliably informed by several young girls that Smokey “is the cutest dog in the world.” […]

  • Suburbs Are Still Growing0

    • June 3, 2011

    Next time someone tells you about how everyone is returning to the cities, point them to these maps based on the 2010 census. Available for the forty largest urban areas in the United States, they show, almost without exception, the central cities losing population and the suburbs gaining. According to the mapmakers, “deep blue indicates […]