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  • The Myth That Will Not Die0

    • August 25, 2011

    Transportation planning today suffers from several common fallacies, including the myth of the great streetcar conspiracy and the notion that we should spend billions of dollars on obsolete forms of transportation to give people “choices.” But the most troublesome myth is the notion of induced-demand, that is, that new roads will automatically become fully congested […]

  • Why Conservatives Hate Trains0

    • August 24, 2011

    Debates over high-speed rail and federal transit funding have inspired a number of writers asking why conservatives hate passenger trains. Most of them get it wrong. The real answer is: they don’t. They just hate subsidies, at least if they are fiscal conservatives (as opposed to social conservatives like the late Paul Weyrich). Case in […]

  • Debate Over Future of BLM Lands0

    • August 23, 2011

    Andy Stahl debates the DeFazio forest trust proposal with Douglas County (Roseburg) Commissioner Doug Robertson. Robertson also chairs the association of counties that collect revenues from the lands in question. Instead of dividing the lands in two, Robertson proposes to give all the lands to a single board of trustees set up something like the […]

  • World Boondoggle Center0

    • August 22, 2011

    The World Trade Center that was destroyed almost ten years ago was a frequently photographed symbol of New York City, but it was also a huge boondoggle of the New York & New Jersey Port Authority that was heavily subsidized by motorists paying bridge tolls. So of course, it is completely appropriate that the building […]

  • Build Trains = Raise Fares + Cut Bus Service0

    • August 19, 2011

    Denver’s Regional Transit District (RTD) says it will have to raise fares and cut service due to higher-than-expected operating costs and lower-than-expected revenues. I am sure this has nothing to do with cost overruns for RTD’s rail lines that are under construction, right? Because operating and construction funds come from two entirely different sources, right? […]

  • DeFazio: Turn BLM Lands into Trusts0

    • August 18, 2011

    Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio is floating a proposal to turn the Bureau of Land Management’s “Oregon and California” lands into two trusts, one focusing on timber production and one focusing on environmental protection. This plan was partly developed by frequent Antiplanner commenter Andy Stahl. The Oregon & California (O&C) Railroad land grant lands now managed […]