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  • Urban Renewal Dead in California0

    • January 2, 2012

    California cities do not have a constitutionally given right to steal money from schools and other tax districts to use for their crony capitalism and social engineering, says the California Supreme Court when it rejected a law suit brought by urban redevelopment agencies against a state law abolishing them. As a result, barring new legislation […]

  • 2011: A Very Good Year0

    • December 29, 2011

    This past year has been very good for antiplanners. In February, the Antiplanner had an op ed in National Review opposing high-speed rail that summarized years of research on the subject. The Antiplanner also argued that Florida was the linch pin of President Obama’s planned national high-speed rail system. Just a week after the National […]

  • Christmas Present0

    • December 26, 2011

    The 2010 National Transit Database has been available for a few weeks. As usual, it comes in two formats: either some 34 data tables that are easy to read but difficult to manipulate in Excel or some 20 data files that are easy to manipulate in Excel but difficult to read. The Antiplanner has summarized […]

  • Best Wishes for the Solstice and New Year0

    • December 23, 2011

    Three-Fingered Jack in the Oregon Cascades. Click to see the full greeting. The Antiplanner wishes everyone a happy holiday and productive new year.

  • Trains Falling Apart0

    • December 21, 2011

    Washington Metro trains are so poorly maintained that parts falling off of the railcars are damaging later trains, leading to the tunnels filling with smoke and the evacuation of several trains. This has some people reconsidering their transportation habits. “Today is my last day as a full time Orange Line commuter after almost 10 yrs,” […]

  • Heroes or Heels?0

    • December 20, 2011

    Last week, the Atlantic web site published an article about the brave Tea Party activists who are challenging the evil urban planners who are interfering with property rights and attempting to socially engineer American cities. Except, the article’s writer, Anthony Flint, seemed to think that was a bad thing. Some idea of Flint can be […]