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  • Electric Cars Will Save Us — NOT!0

    • April 24, 2012

    Last week, the Union of Concerned Scientists released a report that found–surprise, surprise–electric cars aren’t all that green (at least from a climate view) if the electricity used to recharge the cars comes from burning fossil fuels. Yet, in a Colbert-like manner, a colleague of one of the report’s authors asks in a blog post […]

  • Transportation Bill Going to Conference Committee0

    • April 23, 2012

    The House and Senate plan to hold conference committee negotiations over the transportation reauthorization bill. Early this year, the House Transportation Committee had approved the most fiscally conservative reauthorization bill considered by congress since 1991, if not since 1982. Yet the bill never reached the floor of the House due to opposition from fiscal conservatives […]

  • Innovative (Meaning Insane) Land-Use Policy0

    • April 20, 2012

    The Belgian Port of Antwerp needed to expand. But Belgium has a policy that any greenfield development must be offset by set-asides of already developed land. So the residents of an entire town were forcibly evicted and their town declared a “new nature preserve.” The buildings in the town were not leveled, and instead planners […]

  • The Non-Story Story0

    • April 18, 2012

    Nearly two years ago, the Federal Transit Administration released a report saying the transit industry has a $77 billion maintenance backlog. So why is the Associated Press making a big deal of this report now? “Americans are turning to trains and buses to get around in greater numbers than ever before,” says the AP. “The […]

  • Declares or Declared?0

    • April 17, 2012

    “California Declares War on the Suburbs,” reports Wendell Cox’s op ed in the Wall Street Journal (or at least the headline so reports). This has led to all sort of supporting commentary in the conservative blogosphere, along with articles from the left that claims Cox is full of it. All the Antiplanner wants to know […]

  • Book Review: All the Devils Are Here0

    • April 11, 2012

    In the Antiplanner’s recent review of Margin Call, I wrote, “No bank secretly realized that mortgage-backed securities were worthless and unscrupulously sold them to unsuspecting buyers.” The authors of All the Devils Are Here would apparently disagree. Unlike most of the books about the financial crisis that the Antiplanner reviewed last year, which each tended […]