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  • Let’s Be Like Europe and Build More Trains!0

    • May 15, 2012

    One recently revealed aspect of the European debt crisis is the role European passenger trains played in running up national debts. The Greek rail system, for example, has debts of $13 billion, or about 5 percent of Greece’s gross national product. Rail workers get paid so well that it would be cheaper to hire taxis […]

  • Back in the Air Again0

    • May 14, 2012

    The Antiplanner will be in Washington, DC this week to release American Nightmare and a new paper on transportation finance. On Tuesday noon, May 14, the Antiplanner will be one of three speakers at a hill briefing sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute on transportation. At the briefing, the Antiplanner will present a new paper […]

  • Why Didn’t He Take a Stand on Pot?0

    • May 11, 2012

    When a president takes a stand on a highly controversial issue like gay marriage in an election year, you know he is doing it solely to motivate his base. How so? The job of the president has nothing to do with who can and cannot get married, so in announcing that he supports gay marriage, […]

  • The Wildlife Service (Extermination Service, That Is)0

    • May 10, 2012

    A little-known agency in the Department of Agriculture is an out-of-control destroyer of wildlife, reports investigative journalist Tom Knudson in a lengthy series of articles in the Sacramento Bee. The agency, which calls itself the Wildlife Service, kills hundreds of thousands of animals each year. Thousands of non-target animals, ranging from endangered species to people’s […]

  • The True Cost of Driving0

    • May 9, 2012

    Some smart-growth advocates argue that, even though housing costs more in cities than in suburbs, transportation costs in cities are so much lower that the total cost of housing plus transportation is lower. The problem with these claims is that they are based on average transportation costs. As Steve Polzin, a transportation researcher from the […]

  • Transportation Notes from All Over0

    • May 8, 2012

    The city of Detroit decided not to build a light-rail line down Woodward Avenue, so some private foundations are trying to raise the $137 million to build it instead. Are they nuts? Do they really think this is the best use of their money? In 1996, the Los Angeles Bus Riders Union forced the county […]