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  • Antiques or Obsolete?0

    • June 20, 2012

    Someone made a little poster designed to convey the value of high-speed rail. I made a couple of modifications that I think improve it quite a bit.

  • Back in the Air Again0

    • June 19, 2012

    The Antiplanner will present American Nightmare in Colorado Springs, Denver, and Bellevue this week. Tonight (Tuesday) at 5:30 pm, I’ll be at Liberty First in the Dublin House, 1850 Dominion Way, in Colorado Springs. On Wednesday, I’ll speak at the Independence Institute‘s new office, 727 E. 16th, in Denver, at 5:30 pm. If you are […]

  • Life Intrudes0

    • June 18, 2012

    Vivian Jones was born in eastern North Dakota in 1926. Known to her friends as Red for her brightly colored hair, she was the life of every party and a cheerleader in high school and at the University of North Dakota, where she received a degree in Social Work. She went on to the University […]

  • Back in the Air Again0

    • June 12, 2012

    The Antiplanner is flying to DC today to participate in a couple of forums. First, at noon on Wednesday, the Antiplanner will join Ryan Avent, Adam Gordon, and Matthew Yglesias in a discussion of The Death and Life of Affordable Housing. If you are in DC, the deadline for signing up for this event is […]

  • Touring the States at Taxpayer Expense0

    • June 12, 2012

    Secretary of Immobility Ray LaHood, who has announced that he plans to leave office at the end of this year even if Obama is re-elected, is spending his last few months in office taking a tour of the United States. He has recently been to Hawaii (and Guam), and he plans to soon visit Idaho, […]

  • No More Taxes for Art0

    • June 8, 2012

    Oregon has a 1 percent for art law requiring that one percent of all state construction funds be spent on art works. But that’s not enough for greedy Oregon artists, so they have proposed that Portland impose a $35 tax on every non-poverty-stricken resident over the age of 17 in the city that would be […]