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How much money do you owe on behalf of local government?

Our research found that information on local government debt IS available to the public … on two conditions. First, citizens must have Sherlock Holmes-like instincts. Information about local debt can be found, but plan on digging for it. And, second, the results of your search may yield information that is considerably outdated. Read more here at Debt Detective, authored by intern Luke Jackson.

Hear author Luke Jackson discuss his Debt Detective backgrounder with Fiscal Policy Center Penn Pfiffner here on iVoices.org.

PERA Falls Off a Cliff

The Public Employees Retirement System (PERA) in Colorado is experiencing a funding crisis. The recent collapse of financial markets has resulted in a significant decrease in the value of the PERA portfolio. But the funding crisis in PERA is not just the result of problems in financial markets. Barry Poulson shows how the problems inherent in PERA are more than cyclical, they are inherently systemic.

State Retirement Plan Headed for Disaster

Colorado’s Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA) is in the midst of a severe financial crisis. The organization has promised lavish retirement packages to state employees that it cannot fully fund. Taxpayers will have to pay for the irresponsible decisions of PERA Management. Click here to read Dr. Barry Poulson’s latest report on how we can fix the problem.

$24 billion dollars and counting: Time to Reform PERA

Colorado citizens no longer can afford a state pension system dominated by special interests. Reforming PERA will require grassroots support from citizens who understand the funding crisis and who are willing to work to reform the state pension system. It also will require courageous politicians willing to stand up to the special interests in PERA, and begin to protect taxpayers.


We think you’re already bankrupt!

If this is real, the rest does not matter. We work hard to understand public policy but one set of problems will overwhelm everything else. The federal debt will literally bankrupt you, me, and everyone. Author Luke Jackson explores our massive federal debt in this eye opening piece. Read the report here.

Colorado Union of Taxpayers (CUT) – Legislative Report Cards:

Every politician wants you to think that he or she is a “fiscal conservative.” But which ones truly respect the cost you must bear, and so act to keep taxes low and demand that government programs work effectively? The Colorado Union of Taxpayers recently released it annual Ratings of the state General Assembly. Go to the 2009 Ratings to learn how your state senator and your state representative performed, as well as to see the outcome for the entire legislature.