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The Colorado Education Association (CEA) raises political funds through a structure known as Every Member Option (EMO). A certain amount ($39 in 2014-15) is deducted from the paycheck of every full-time member teacher. The EMO exclusively finances political activities. CEA members who wish to receive an EMO refund must submit their requests in writing by DECEMBER 15 to:

Every Member Option Refund
Colorado Education Association
1500 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203

The letter should include the CEA member’s name, Social Security Number, and local association.

You can print an EMO request form letter (click here for printable PDF) to send to CEA, OR you can click here to request a refund electronically.

Many local CEA affiliates offer an additional separate political refund of as much as $24. The American Federation of Teachers also offers an opportunity for a political refund. For more information on any of these options, visit our Independent Teachers website.