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  • Xcel’s backroom deal likely to screw ratepayers…again

    Xcel’s backroom deal likely to screw ratepayers…again0

    • August 29, 2017

    Rumor has it that Colorado’s largest monopoly utility Xcel Energy is about to renege on a 2004 settlement that cost ratepayers dearly. And, Xcel will do it with the Governor John Hickenlooper’s blessing.  Why? Because they don’t want to change their Electric Resource Plan (ERP) as I (and likely others) have suggested they should do

  • Hick proves Mark Twain’s quote to be true

    Hick proves Mark Twain’s quote to be true0

    • July 12, 2017

    Parts of Governor John Hickenlooper’s announcement of his climate change executive order reminded me of Mark Twain’s famous quote: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Below are some of my favorite Hick quotes followed by my commentary. “We will tap

  • Global warming executive order or corporate welfare program for Xcel or both?

    Global warming executive order or corporate welfare program for Xcel or both?0

    • July 12, 2017

    Doing his best Barack Obama rule-by-fiat impersonation, Governor John Hickenlooper signed an Executive Order (EO) to compel Colorado ratepayers to pay for compliance with the Paris Climate Treaty from which President Trump recently withdrew the United States. For someone who follows state level energy and environmental activity, this was a surprise. Usually these things get leaked,

  • Beware of global warming opportunists in conservative clothing

    Beware of global warming opportunists in conservative clothing0

    • July 10, 2017

    There is a new, Colorado-based, self-described “conservative” group The Western Way (TWW) with an enticing tag line “conservative stewards of the Western environment.” Sounds good, right? Until you try to find out who these “conservative stewards” really are. If you are attending the Western Conservative Summit (and you should), you will see these guys there.

  • The real reason for special session may be blowing in the wind

    The real reason for special session may be blowing in the wind0

    • May 17, 2017
    Rumor has it that the real reason our banjo picking Governor wants a special session has more to do with industrial wind – meaning his favorite monopoly Xcel Energy – and less to do with fixing our damn roads! Governor John Hickenlooper publicly says he may call a special session “to deal with topics thatREAD MORE