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  • Xcel paying power producers to take excess electricity?

    Xcel paying power producers to take excess electricity?0

    • May 2, 2017
    I've documented that Xcel Energy has excess electricity generation capacity. I just didn't realize how much. According to a source close to an electricity wholesaler and generator, "Right now they can buy power cheaper than they can make it.  A week or two ago Excel [sic] was paying us $18 a MW to buy power fromREAD MORE
  • Scathing PUC Chair dissent blasted economics of Demand-Side Management

    Scathing PUC Chair dissent blasted economics of Demand-Side Management0

    • April 30, 2017
    Supporters of so-called Demand-Side Management (DSM) say it’s an economic development tool. That’s not true. DSM is a misguided, harmful transfer payment from low income ratepayers with no choice to a preferred group of ratepayers, often commercial and industrial. No one makes this argument better than former Colorado PUC Chairman Ray Gifford, now a partner atREAD MORE
  • The absurdity of Demand Side Management and social engineering electricity use

    The absurdity of Demand Side Management and social engineering electricity use0

    • April 27, 2017
    “For every dollar spent, consumers save $1.77,” say supporters of so-called Demand Side Management (DSM) programs. Want to really save ratepayers money? How about not incentivizing utility monopolies to spend the dollar in the first place and just let ratepayers save 77 cents or more through lower electric rates? Here is the gist of DSM:READ MORE