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  • Privatize or Contract Out?0

    • September 27, 2012

    The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) spends $50 million more than its peers on employee benefits, says KPMG in an audit of the agency. Reducing benefits to national average levels (easier said than done) and contracting out some services such as cleaning would allow MARTA to erase a $33 million deficit in its annual […]

  • Join a Transit Agency; See the World0

    • September 11, 2012

    Taxpayers have paid for the “mostly advisory” CEO of the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to travel to more than ten countries and seventeen American cities in the last eighteen months. John Inglish was UTA’s general manager until two years ago, when he was replaced and kicked upstairs to a newly created position “as severance.” “Nice […]

  • Transit Score Not Believable0

    • May 1, 2012

    The Oregonian brags that Portland is “the 10th best city” for transit in the United States. But a close look at the web site doing the ranking reveals this may not be true. First, they only counted the nation’s 25 largest cities for which they had data. This means cities such as Honolulu and Oakland, […]

  • The Non-Story Story0

    • April 18, 2012

    Nearly two years ago, the Federal Transit Administration released a report saying the transit industry has a $77 billion maintenance backlog. So why is the Associated Press making a big deal of this report now? “Americans are turning to trains and buses to get around in greater numbers than ever before,” says the AP. “The […]

  • The Future of New Starts0

    • February 13, 2012

    Should federal transportation funds be distributed to states and cities based on fixed criteria, such as population and land area, or should they be handed out based on the political whims of whoever is in power at the moment? While Republicans in Congress are moving in the former direction, the Obama administration is moving towards […]

  • Another Year, Another Set of Transit Lies0

    • January 3, 2012

    “For the average American driver, the time wasted in traffic jams has more than doubled in 30 years,” reports Eleanor Randolph in the New York Times. “The best way of easing that gridlock — not to mention saving gas, curbing pollution and finally finishing that novel — is public transit.” Two simple sentences; two complicated […]