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  • No surprise in Massachusetts: Central planning still fails0

    • December 27, 2010

    The Dec. 11 Associated Press article about health care in Massachusetts illustrates why central economic planning will always fail. As Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek wrote: “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.”

  • Medicare head Donald Berwick: You’re a pawn0

    • July 22, 2010

    In the American Spectator David Catron points out a disturbing quote from Medicare & Medicaid Services head Donald Berwick is.
    Berwick’s view of rationing is, in fact, the opposite of [Paul]  Ryan’s. The latter believes it should be driven by the informed decisions of consumers in a free market, while […]

  • Donald Berwick’s Five-Year Plan v. the iPhone0

    • July 15, 2010

    Paul Howard and David Gratzer, MD write
    Last month, Apple released its new iPhone, a faster and more powerful version of its ever popular computer-phone. It’s a remarkable device – particularly remarkable given that its machine ancestors were large and expensive, often filling whole buildings yet able to crunch fewer numbers than […]