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  • The slow, poisonous creep of government intrusion

    The slow, poisonous creep of government intrusion0

    • September 1, 2017

    You know how in a good spy movie the spy has spent years building up a tolerance to some deadly poison, so when he poisons all the drinks, his victims die, but he doesn’t? Well, using that as mental model … It finally happened. The TSA Pre-Check line at Denver International Airport was longer than

  • How sugar taxes rot your mind

    How sugar taxes rot your mind0

    • November 15, 2016

    by Jon Caldara As the rest of the world is dealing with the macro, large-picture consequences of the new Trump reality, I’d like to go in the opposite direction and dive into the micro level. The most dangerous question on Tuesday’s ballot was … the nanny city of Boulder’s tax on sugary drinks. Now, stay