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  • Advocates of American socialism need to learn some lessons

    Advocates of American socialism need to learn some lessons0

    • March 4, 2019

    British socialism as promoted by Bernard Shaw and his fellow “Fabians” was perhaps the gentlest form of socialism on the planet. Yet, this passage reads as if it were composed by Hitler.

  • Creating Constitutional Protections Against American Socialism0

    • October 4, 2015

    Note: This article is cross-posted on CNSNews. If any public policy lesson stands out from the experience of the 20th century, it is that socialism doesn’t work. I use the word “socialism” in its technical sense of government ownership of the means of production—or, in lay language, government operation of business enterprises. Socialism in this

  • VA Scandals—Only the Latest Example of the Failure of Socialism0

    • April 9, 2015

    To know more about socialized medicine—and our future under Obamacare—check out the Department of Veterans’ Affairs health care scandals. The scandals encompass service failure, egregious cost overruns and delays, and basic failures (such as blood test mixups) that would be comical if not so dangerous. The VA hospital situation in Denver is a case in