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  • Denver, Colorado Sales Taxes Increased Without Voter Consent

    Denver, Colorado Sales Taxes Increased Without Voter Consent0

    • March 12, 2021

    Denver’s 2021 budget reveals that the city expects to collect $14 million in new sales tax revenues this year by taking advantage of a 2018 United States Supreme Court ruling for the first time. The State of Colorado began collecting new sales tax revenues under the same scheme in 2019. These tax increases have come

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 03-23-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 03-23-170

    • March 23, 2017

    Lately, I have felt very loved by the editorial section of the Denver Post! Regarding our proposal to force the state legislature to do their damn jobs and Fix Our Damn Roads by re-prioritizing an obscene, unimaginable 2% of the budget towards roads, the editorial board wrote, “What our bungled state budget doesn’t need is